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Phone: (866) 856-7172
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Thank you for taking the time to discover more about the insurance industry's most comprehensive and profitable financial opportunity. Our strategy and core strength is to partner with select financial professionals who desire a thriving business, not just a selling career.

The rules of the game have changed! In the past, the insurance industry was driven by captive/career agencies. Now that role has been ceded to independent marketing companies. In the past, annuities were seldom talked about; life insurance was the lead product. For the foreseeable future, the senior market will drive sales; which means an abudance of annuities, long term care and senior/estate life cases.

Always build in the path of growth! Now is the time to prepare for the unprecedented opportunity provided by the expanding senior market. We are on the verge of the largest wealth transfer this country has ever experienced. Over the next 10 to 20 years, upwards of 75% of the largest existing 401(k) accounts will be moved to IRAs.

Being in the right place at the right time is not good enough. You also have to know you're there... and have something to sell. For those who grasp the size of this opportunity, developing an insurance business now is paramount.

It's up to you. We hope this information will help you make the right decision.

Come sail with us now!

about us